The view from 30,000 feet:
The information revolution has energized our world in ways that most thought impossible just 50 years ago. We are constantly bombarded with messages and information from cyberspace that have the intended consequence of changing our perspective from the long-term to the
immediate. While there are some advantages to the instant availability of data, we believe that there is also a downside.
Most investors are now able to view the world financial markets on a real-time basis on a screen that just a few feet away. We have become privy to a universe of information that is disseminated by an increasing population of “entertainers” posing as experts in the financial business. Their focus is on the moment, and their agendas are often not the same as yours and
The danger of looking at the world through the windows on our desktop is the tendency to develop “big picture” conclusions based on “small picture” information. A short-term focus creates emotion, and we believe that emotion is the enemy of every investment plan.
The cornerstone of Trident Advisors’ investment philosophy over the last 21 years has been “The view from 30,000 feet”. The ability step away from the noise and focus on the bigger picture has allowed us to make investment decisions for our clients that are never clouded by hidden agendas or emotion created by market forces unrelated to their goals. We are
compensated based upon the value we add, not the products we sell, and our client remains the focus of everything we do.